This is a young lady with a case of old scleral malacia and uveal staphyloma. This staphyloma actually looks very much like a typical advanced “anterior staphyloma”, which usually originates at the cornea site. She also has phthitic changes of her real cornea and anterior chamber, which is positioned infero-laterally.
In other words, such or similar cases could have been the source for the very popular rumor/myth in ophthalmology, that there were cases of double corneas+irises+pupillae. They call it “pupula duplex” (sic) and photoshop pictures are all over the google. I have read people also considered this as “devil eye”. Very much possible:)
In reality, however, this lady has all the indications for enucleation, histopathology and implant/prosthesis with a tumor suspect via B-scan. Her current condition is there since 2015.