Pterygium-Werewolf: pterygium or OSSN?

In English

In EnglishCase of April, 2016.
This is pterygium, believe it or not. This was, however, sent for histopathology after excision. The results excluded neoplasia. We used to treat such cases like an OSSN (ocular surface squamous neoplasia), i.e., with no-touch ablastic technique and 5-FU application at the end of surgery. Ideally cryo is to be added to the margins of the conjunctiva +/- to the scleral bed, when invasion is suspected.
We had had several similar cases, where presumed OSSN hosted at the pterygium. Several of them were confirmed only as pterygium via pathology. To our deepest surprise. The only thing to be added here, is that that pathology was highly likely performed by the same one pathologist. Which naturally cares risk of bias.

Случай от апреля 2016 г.in Russian / по-русски

Птеригиум-оборотень. Случай, показывающий общность механизмов развития птеригиума и плоскоклеточных неоплазий поверхности глаза.
По результатам гистологии в этом образовании дисплазии замечено не было (!). Заключение: птеригиум. Подобные истории уже бывали. Правда, все они были интерпретированы одним гистологом из столицы. В этом месте мог зарыться глубокий bias.

Pterygium or OSSN? Looks like the mix, confirmed as pterygium.

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