Tag: trabeculectomy with 5-FU

TET-Bleb, 10 years and still saving a sight!

in Russian / по-русски
Коллега по-дружески прислал привет из Замбии с фотографией фильтрационной подушки пациентки, которую я прооперировал 10 (!) лет назад (2014 год). На сегодня это единственное доказательство, что мои трабекулэктомии могут иметь долгосрочный положительный результат:) 10 лет сохраняет зрение, и будет делать это дальше, если не случатся неприятные осложнения, возможные при кистозно изменённых подушках (так характерных для трабекулэктомий с фторурацилом). Учитывая то, что пациенты приходят по поводу глаукомы только тогда, когда у них остаётся счёт пальцев или пара десятых с тотальной экскавацией – я лягу сегодня спать очень счастливым за эту больную.
update: на фотографиях 2 глаза…))) Лягу спать вдвойне счастливым.

In English
A colleague kindly sent greetings from Zambia along with a photo of the filtration bleb of a patient I operated on 10 (!) years ago (a year 2014). As of today, this is the only evidence that my trabeculectomies can have a long-term positive result :). She has retained her vision for 10 years, and will continue to do so, provided no unpleasant complications arise, which are possible with cystic walled blebs (a very characteristic of 5-FU Trabeculectomy). Considering that patients with glaucoma usually seek help only when they have finger counting vision or a couple of tenths left with total cupping, I will go to bed tonight feeling very happy for this patient.
update: the colleague confirmed, that here on the photos we see TWO eyes. I feel good.

5-FU for trabeculectomy?

Interesting RCT from Singapore (2013) showing that in 8 years after trabeculectomy 5-FU was no better than placebo in terms of final success rate. Which was by the way 40-55%. A food for thought. 5-FU is cheaper as MMC and is more rapidly available in some places of the world.

Juvenile Glaucoma in Africa

In EnglishIt is sad to see a very young person going needlessly blind. This is a case of bilateral advanced stage juvenile glaucoma in young 16 y.o. lady. She had bilateral deepest cupping of 1,0 and 6/60 vision in one eye and finger counts at 3 m in the other. Her intraocular pressures were, as it is common here and especially in young persons, – slightly below 50 mm Hg in one eye and 55 mm Hg in the other eye.

The problem of glaucoma in Africa is described nicely and in details elsewhere: https://www.iapb.org/blog/my-challenges-managing-glaucoma-sub-saharan-africa, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19225348. My few cents will be like this (in order of relevance):

  1. Lack of early recognition among the patients
  2. Lack of IOP and disks screening among even trained mid-level ophthalmic staff
  3. Poverty, leading to huge delays to a hospital visit
  4. Poverty, leading to inability to buy medications for chronic disease
  5. Unavailability of fency eye drops (only timolol is available in most of rural places, and it’s value in IOP 50 mm Hg is from limited to none)
  6. Lack of follow-ups, leading to unnecessary failure of trabeculectomies

Each of those makes majority of patients with glaucoma present in advanced stages (rarely amenable to medications).

I opted bilateral trabeculectomy with 5-fluorouracil in this case (however, in ideal circumstances I would preferr mitomycin – it is stated to be more effective in studies). She underwent uneventful surgeries for both eyes (one week apart). Right eye (the worse eye), however, showed persistent leakage from fornix-based bleb, and had to be sutured additionally after a week postop. Both eyes dropped the IOPs to mid teens, and the girl’s parents were counselled properly on very important follow-ups during next few months. Failure of trabeculectomy is common first 6 months after the surgery.

Right eye: Bleb additionally sutured to close leakage. I acknowledge, that this is not the ideal way to close leaking bleb, and will release this sutures upon ten days.

Left eye: fornix based diffuse bleb

P.S. I am still not sure on what is the best practice in trabeculectomy in african population regarding the tenon’s capsule. It can be either excised a little, or just undermined, or even sutured to the limbus below the conjunctiva. There were no RCTs on that, and that’s quite important: I feel the chances are higher for the bleb to become cystic if tenon’s was excessively excised.